The Corniche!!! Oh my! what a lovely lovely stretch, its like 4km long (or more) and its a really wonderful place to take a stroll to relax my mind. i'd wanted to have a jog there (a lot of people do) but time doesn't consent. i did the walk alone one sunny afternoon and i felt so stress-free, so peaceful. My favourite place - Corniche.

A sunny Corniche afternoon, not many people, simply the best to be alone.

The Arabs. what can i say? most arrogant group of humans, most proud of their heritage, they can do whatever they please, they are the most superior, they aren't very intelligent, but this is compensated by their vast riches and wealth, they have a lousy working attitude. But they are a very friendly bunch of humans, very hospitable, just that working with them makes my blood boil at times. How rich are the Qataris? each of them own 3-4 cars. i get a Mercedes ride home most of the time. How superior do they think they are? Walking with a Qatari gives you a permit to walk in the middle of a busy road, and really, just do whatever you want, intruding the VIP special demarcated space, honking at cars, flashing your high-light at the cars, rude signals to demand for the car in front to give way to your car coming through at 110km/h, demanding a 3 months leave from work just to relieve some of their stress, as stress has reached a level too high for them to handle (total rubbish), they say. there's more, to which i stared in horror, or just a polite grin. i mean, they are a different breed of people, they are Qataris, Qataris are different from the rest of the world. yup. So i've got to accommodate, understand, give the lee-way at times. Something about their ego. A brazen attempt by a Qatari youth to disobey my orders to use the handicapped toilet. He pointed at the Whelchair sign, laughed at it, and bashed through me, i was so angry i blocked his way to the male toilet, he went into the female toilet. We almost got into a fight, my supervidor walked in just in time to avoid me from laying my hands on him. He wanted to smoke in the toilet.
Weather in Qatar. random is the word. changes everyday. from gale 1 day to rain another, to sunny the next. But the most amazing thing is the rain. Which i felt more of its wreckage than its normal blessings to this baking hot desert. No drainage system left big pools (not puddles) of water everywhere. I'd thought my horror in Paris has ended, but no, it got worse 1 time- i walked home 1 night soakedin the rain, losing my way in almost complete darkness, not knowing whether i was heading the right direction. it took me almost 2 hours to get back. Depressed i was when i reached home, really wanted to wail out loud like a child because i'd ended up in a mess, and the journey back was a nightmare, being almost knocked down by a car-thankfully the car saw me, because i felt so helpless, so tired, drenched,cold & Lost(no road names nor map to refer to, people whom i approached refused to help) then, it was really an emotional trauma that i think only wailing to be back home with my family can help a little. i will really want to forget this terrifying experience. God saved me, again. Other than that, the weather was just very cold, but i was in safe hands so thank God. i kinda like the gale though, those days when the temperatures just dipped & a net of mist has descended, with wind howling incessantly, we never have those in Singapore.
15th Asian Games, Doha2006. i gave my best, received the best too. I've valued my given opportunity much, and have gained the favour from many. i shared in jubilation when Tao Li won at my venue. i was the escorter of the medal presenter for her event also, which is just added sweetness on my part. too bad she's a foreign import..
VIP food. i think i've eaten >$300 worth of food in 2 weeks. I'll let the photos do the work. You won't believe they throw away Salmons, Scallops, all those apple crumbles, freshly made fruit tarts, brownies etc....

I love the cake (green coloured ones)! the glasses below it is chocolate mousse with dunno what. i can't recall them..

note how big, fresh & lovely the fruits are.

my wife. The chocolate gets darker & darker each day, and at the final day, it looks simply gorgeous.
God's protection. From preventing fire from engulfing me, to the cold from strangling me, i felt it all. just thankful to be still well. the most amazing miracle is not falling ill a single time throughout. i've known what adversities i've gone through, a normal person will be in bed for few more days after that, even my apartment mates, who have cars and all, they have fallen sick because of the weather itself, what more me who'd braved the storm, repeatedly, literally. its truly a miracle. Thank you Lord.
God's providence. I'd never expected myself to be there, i'd thought its an empty wish. because there's so much procedures, finalisation, barriers to cross that i'd even dismissed the idea after waiting, waiting, waiting. But i've seen God's hand in providing everything- support from parents, close friends, accommodation, visa, even confirmation from the Organising committee. At Doha, he provided me with a fellow youth to accompany me for each session. we are the only 2 among adults. when we gather for briefing, we're like Jack & the Beanstalks. Thank God for the 2 youths, or else i'll be very very lonely.

Me & Raveen, doing the night shift and fooling around. Best buddy at night.

Me & Suk In Kwon. ha. morning shift. looking like well-behaved gentlemen in front of camera. This was taken right after a wild fight which resulted in orange juice on his pants. Best buddy in the morning.
Friends at Doha. late night coffee. had such a great time with them, just talking about that games & stuffs, laughed my heads off at one's superb impersonation skills, another cabin crew's light-hearted recounts of amusing passengers onboard flights on Qatar Airways, awed by the revelation of how wealthy Qataris are, & catching up with one another. Thank God for these friends! I was so surprised when they presented me with a bag full of gifts at the last minute at the airport just when i was about to leave them.
Qatar Airways. Best flights ever. Was in a sparkling brand new plane back from Paris, big big tv screens & generous sit pitch makes economy class feel like business. slept so well & comfortably and i wished my flight had been longer. The new plane meant that i reached Doha >1 hour before scehduled arrival! to Paris the plane was barely a quarter of its capacity, tremondously enjoyed the luxurious space & Qatar Airways just makes (the usually tiring) flying less tiring.
i must be the cutest person to check-in a shoebag on my way back to Singapore. The guy at the counter doing check-in was bewildered and must be thinking that this young kid doesn't know what he's doing. serves him right if his bag gets lost.
Hamad Aquatic Center, in Sports City. i didn't expect myself to be so emotionally attached to this place and my co-workers. i was privileged to be involved here as this place has the longest operational venue at the Asian Games. it operates 13 out of the 15 days. from 2 Dec to 14 Dec. i cried, much to my surprise and many else's when we were leaving after the final night. Everyone was so sad, i couldn't hold back my tears when my friend from catering came and say goodbye to me. I think its because of so many compliments i've received from people, that i've felt that i've worked so hard throughout the games, but remained humble, and the many friends whom i've made. you know, the feeling is too overwhelming for me, because its like 'Alvin, its over, you've gotten so many commendation from different people, and you know that you've given your best, what you've come here specially to do, its done, and well done.'
Standing at the rooftop of my house, spending some time alone reflecting as i gaze at the unobstructed view of Doha as far and wide as my vision allows me too. Spotting the towers of mosques, Khalifa Stadium & the torch, the islamic style houses and all, i was found thanking God, counting my blessings, & praying for the Qataris that they'll hear the gospel.

this is just 1/2 of my story and memories in Qatar (& Paris), but what i can remember now and what you'll know here. yup
I love Qatar,
& for my ongoing love affair for the Middle-East,
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