now, i really really like what DA Carson wrote in his book -A Call to Spiritual Reformation.
i was challenged to think about my own prayer life.
How often do i thank God for the signs of grace among believers?
When i see a fellow Christian growing in his faith, i'll thank God. When i see a fellow Christian fervently serving in church, i'll be encouraged. Thanking God in my heart that is. In my prayer, i'll exclude them almost certainly. it will not be that important than praying for the non-Christians that i've met for St-E; for EBS; around me. it'll be more important to pray for my co-ministry workers & students, and the content will be along the line of God upholding them by granting them strength in their daily go abouts.
Paul do not just thank God for the work of God in the Christians' lives, He prays for the continuation of such signs, which is to be protected and increased. You know, i'm more likely to pray for a Christian when i know he/she is struggling. But do i need to wait for the person to meet with something that is bad? The good news that Paul hears of the Christians does not inspire thanks alone, he prays for more of the same to be shown in their lives.
So what is the content of a challenging prayer?
asking God to fill us with the knowledge of His will - understanding how to live a live that is worthy of our calling to be Christians. And its not merely intellectual, but we're supposed to 'test and approve what God's will is -his good, pleasing and perfect will'- Romans 12:2 We are to respond to the Bible and do it. So pray for that - wisdom to understand the Bible, and to direct our hearts and minds to obeying the Bible.
praying with this purpose in mind for Christians to be found thoroughly pleasing to God. Essentially, to be able to live out a life that pleases God in every way - in speech, thought, action, deed, reaction, so that God will not be shamed
so how do we please God then? - Let learn to pray along these lines.
a skeletal frame of it will constitute of bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, strengthened so as to display great endurance and patience, and to joyfully give thanks to the Father.
It comes together as a package. We will surely be found bearing fruits in our lives when we want to please God, and this is only possible through a spiritual intake & understanding of the Bible. Its a marvellous & beautiful spiralling circle(cycle). Because as we are busy getting down to bearing fruits and obeying God, we get to know God better, which pushes you to greater obedience. Then you'll learn more about God ........
by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can take on the world's attacks. Be patient to witness how God's providence unfold to a better me and you. Be enduring when facing insults, persecutions of many kinds, so that we can triumph in darkness when we hold our composure.
Lastly, and what i really really like, to give thanks to the Lord joyfully! Because we're no longer living under the dominion of darkness but in the kingdom of light, so what can we do but rejoice!
There are just so many things to pray and give thanks for in the life of a Christian, i think we need to know what to pray for in eternal view of matter of concerns.
I'm gonna thank God for the break i've had.
Thank God for Joyce (My former Bible Study teacher) who graciously gave me a movie & meal treat, really do thank God for her, who've always enquired about how i was in camp. thank God for the many believers who've prayed for me too.
Thank God for allowing me to meet up with my old friend for lunch and to catch up with each other.
Thank God for my sole tennis session 2 mornings ago with Hannah & Clara's sister. Clara's sis is rather good in tennis.
Thank God for my new posting to SISPEC. The training there is definitely not gonna be easier, so i pray i'll do everything unto the Lord, and be trusting & obeying God.
I really like how DA Carson brought out the point that our greatest problem is sin:
If the Lord had perceived our greatest need was economic, he would have sent and economist.
If the Lord has perceived our greatest need was entertainment, he would have sent a comedian or and artist.
If the Lord has perceived our greatest need was political stability, he would have sent us a politician.
If the Lord has perceived our greatest need was health, he would have sent us a doctor.
But he perceived our greatest need involved our sin, our alienation from him, our profound rebellion, our death. So He sent us a Savior.
Rejoice in the Lord