netizens of philippi!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thank God, after almost 10 weeks into university life, I think I've finally settled down. Even though the perennial struggle of catching up with work, meeting deadlines, understanding to absorbing what is being thought, are still very much present, I thank God for settling me into a rhythm of round and about.

Particularly in the past week, the fear of exams is slowly crawling up everyone's sleeves. There are more calls to mug together, and alarm bells, for some, have sounded. For me, as usual, I have been so lax about the entire situation that I've always seemed to be heading towards a black out. But somehow extraordinarily God has been so gracious to me and I've been able to get myself together in time.

Thank God, I've received back positive grades these 2 weeks. Last week, I was so thankful to get my first A (it was an A-) for my media writing assignment. Today, I've added 2 more, in history and my press release assignments. I was totally surprised by my history grade. coz history has been a massive struggle for me since the start.

yeah, I'll continue to press on, and rely on God to give my best effort (i really pray for this).

Here's a glimpse of my schedule:

29 Oct: 201 MCQ Test & History Tut. Presentation
30 Oct: Small Prayer mtg (morn), Mtg student Bible study, Band Prac
31 Oct: big group prog mtg, Writing Assignment due, friend’s 21st B’day party
1 Nov: Edna’s B’day celebration
2 Nov: French test
3 Nov: Church mtg
5 Nov: Test
7 Nov: Big Group, Christmas campaign/ camp briefg, church MC
8 Nov: C’mas prog mtg
9 Nov: History MAJOR Assignment due
13 Nov: lead songs/games @ camp

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

haaha couple of posts back I said that I wanted to spend the night at Starbucks here in Raffles City.

This place totally rocks. In less than 5 days, I've spent 2 nights here :)

Let's do some constructive work. I'll talk more about my experience the next time


Friday, October 16, 2009

tread the path with me

My Ex Bible Study teacher: 'Hello! Please don't stay up late, go sleep, even though you have no school tomorrow.'

Me: 'HELLO!'
Me: 'haaha ok I will. Thanks for your wise advice'

She went on to say that now that she has gotten a student to sleep, she'll go sleep too.

I am really thankful for my Bible Study teachers who have guided me and walked with me as i took my baby steps as a Christian. I'm thankful to God that I could always count on them for sound advice as they've always been an exemplary example in most ways. I just pray that I'll be capable myself as I take on the same role now, like them when they were guiding me along years back.

maturity, i need to mature now.

Sunday, October 04, 2009


Thank God for a wonderful week.

My whole family went on holiday.
Parents, on Sunday night decided they wanted to go Taipei, and they flew on Tuesday morning. I went with Ben to neighbouring Bali, which was really beautiful. But Ben fell really sick over there.
Bro ferried over to Stockholm for a 4 day trip as well.

So yep, my family at one point was everywhere.

Now I've got tons of work to clear.