And we thank God for giving His son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to take our punishment for us, so that we may be reconciled with God. We thank God, for by our own means, we'll never be able to solve our incurable problem of sin, so we thank God for His grace towards us, however much undeserving are we.
Therefore what then should cause us not to rejoice in this! Rejoice we shall, and even more shall we rejoice! Man's greatest problem of sin has been solved, what problems can be bigger than, or pose a greater burden on us than the punishment that were meant to be? This hope and the joy of having this hope surpasses all our worries, all that distresses us.
We have peace with God through our Lord Christ. May we appreciate this peace, that God has graciously restored the broken relationship, then we will not feel stressful or dwelling in a pit of prevailing immediate problems.
Again let us rejoice